Wednesday, January 31, 2007

OB flight

no, not the tampons. i have an observation flight tomorrow. i'll be flying to tuscon az with a couple of the girls from my class. it'll be my first time on an airplane in almost 10 years. i'm really excited. other than that, class is getting more interesting by the day as we learn more about the equipment and actually getting to do drills. yesterday we put out fires and learned about the different types of oxygen onboard an aircraft (chemical vs gaseous, etc). today we started learning emergency procedures and watched a couple of films. one was about an airliner that lost both engines while going from canada to spain and glided for 70 miles and actually landed and no one was injured....freaking amazing. the other was one that involved a dc-10 that had to be evacuated on the runway prior to takeoff because there were gas fumes in the cabin. not quite as eventful, but still extremely informative. well, i must read for a while before going to bed as i have a busy day tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1 test down.....

....i had my first major exam yesterday and i made 100%, so i'm feeling really positive. i had to take my physical yesterday as well. i am a little nervous about the drug test. not because i had anything to smoke, but because of the memory of the time i failed a drug test while on probation when i hadn't been smoking. a little paranoia goes a long way when it can negatively effect your life. all i can do at this point is cross my fingers and hope for the best. like the lady at the clinic said, "no news is good news"

Saturday, January 27, 2007

end of first week

ok, i've made it through my first week. everything is going well. i'm getting to know everyone better and better and am really having a great time. i made a 100 on my pop quiz today so i am feeling good about that. i am off tomorrow and have my first major test on monday. i am probably going to lay low tonight and just enjoy sleeping in. i haven't been posting alot because there really is a lot of reading so i don't have a heck of a lot of free time.
anyhoo, i am going to go grab some grub and watgch a movie and relax.
in the meantime, enjoy this hilarious video.

Monday, January 22, 2007

day 1

well, as to be expected, there are many many hot women in my class. there are 49 of us (for now), it'll be interesting to see how many are left at the end. our instructors are cool and seem really interested in doing everything to ensure that everyone makes it all the way through to graduation. my roommate is extremely cool. oddly enough, he is gay. who would have thought that a gay male would want to be a flight attendant? anyway, not much more to say at the moment, so see you tomorrow.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My last Friday of my extended "vacation"

Well, in a little more than 48 hours I will be checking in to my hotel. This will be my temporary home while I am in training for 4 1/2 weeks to become a Continental Airlines flight attendant. This marks the end of my old life as an office drone, and the beginning of my new life. I am hopeful that this new career path will be one that I will actually enjoy for a change, as the last 10 years have been spent toiling away in front of a computer screen, with no real future to look forward to, nor any benefits of any real....benefit.
Some may say that I will merely be a waitress in the all of you I say: I'll be thinking of you while I am traveling the world for free on my days off (not to mention getting paid to travel when I am on the clock) blow me.
I am reviving the bronze johnson blog to keep a running diary of my experiences while in training and my experiences afterwards....